DOCLSE Ride Waiver

This form is part of DOCLSE’s due diligence in assuring that your documentation is up to date when joining our rides. It replaces physical checks of your driving licence, MOT and insurance documentation and should be sent to DOCLSE using the Submit button at the bottom of this page. If you do NOT hold all of the required valid documentation listed then you should not Submit and you should not join our rides until you have the necessary documentations in place.

If anything changes please inform DOCLSE/Ride leader immediately.

If you have any questions then please contact us here at [email protected] or send a message via our Contact Us page

    I confirm that I am the holder of a valid and current motorcycle licence and that I have appropriate insurance for any vehicles used on DOCLSE rides, either personally or via my employer, and that those vehicles, if appropriate, have valid MOT and tax. I also confirm that these will be valid throughout the duration of the DOCLSE rides.

    I confirm that I am fit to ride and not under the influence of alcohol or any drug (including prescribed medication that may adversely affect my fitness to drive) and my vehicle is fit for the ride. I will wear corrective eyewear while driving if my eyesight requires it.

    I am aware that I am responsible for all riding decisions and I will make the ride organiser aware as soon as possible if I am unable to ride or comply safely with any directions. I agree that any advice/direction given will require my diligence to be applied safely. If I have any doubt I will ask for clarification before following the advice/direction.

    I agree that my submitted data is being collected and stored. For further details on handling user data, see our Privacy Policy

    By pressing the Submit button I confirm my agreement of the above and understand that this declaration form will be held on record by DOCLSE

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