‘Twas a Wet One
Having been on the inaugural ride from Ducati London to Titsey Brewery via Ducati Croydon, I couldn’t wait for the next one.
This time, it was a summer ride starting in the Surrey Hills and ending at Westerham Brewery. The day began with me getting soaked on the way to the meeting point, where Matt and his Diavel were already waiting. I quickly learned that a Streetfighter doesn’t offer much rear water protection!
Jonathan soon joined us, and we set off, hoping to dodge the showers. Bringing up the rear, I noticed a police car had joined our three-rider convoy but eventually left us. Despite some rain, the ride was enjoyable, with scenic twisty roads.
Arriving at Westerham, we were briefly greeted by sunshine as we crested a hill. But the rain returned as we made our way to the brewery. Inside, we enjoyed a hotdog while the heavens opened again.
On the way home, we split up, with Matt heading off, while Jonathan and I endured one last soaking down Wellsley Road in Croydon.
Still, it was a great day!